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What is SRT and Energy Healing?

Spiritual Response Therapy is a method of researching past life traumas and clearing their effects in your current lifetime. When something happens in life, it can stick around and effect your moods, relationships, and even your health. By clearing past life programming, you can wipe your slate clean. It's amazing how much stuff we all store and carry with us--talk about baggage!

Energy healing acts similarly, but it is a more hands-on method of dealing with these issues. Physical traumas can stay around through multiple lifetimes, and sometimes require a helping hand to be removed. These traumas show up as irregularities in your auric field. Because your aura is so integral to your physicla body, they can present in all sorts of emotional and physical ways. Removing them can feel like a literal burden being taken off your shoulders.

In no way is SRT or Energy Healing designed to replace modern medicine. It is not a medical practice, and we are not medical doctors. But if you give it a try, Energetic Healing can have a profound impact on your life!

For more information, and to do some research of your own, try these sites:

Spiritual Response Association:

Etheric Surgery (Energy Healing):


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