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Dowsing and Welcome

Friends, welcome to Transcendence Energies. We hope that we can be of help to you on your journey and have launched this web site to share with you some things that have been valuable to us in the realm of working closely with Spirit (or God or Divine Goddess or the term you use when referring to the Divine) and our high-self committees (comprised of people who want to help you achieve your best life and accomplish the important tasks and learnings you came here to do).

First and foremost, we have absolute respect and admiration for you as you set out to find what is your personal truth. As unique spiritual beings, each of us are on a journey that is as personalized and individualized as each of our fingerprints. There is no right and wrong, but rather only what is right for you. My daughter and I began this web site as a small way to pass along information to others that has been valuable to us, and may well be valuable to you. To that end, we will post blogs on topics that Spirit and our Guidance have selected for us to share with you. Some of these may resonate with you and pique your curiosity to delve deeper, while others may not. It’s all good.

The first blog topic chosen to begin our work on this web site is that of dowsing. I admit that until I came to learn Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) several years ago, I had no idea what dowsing was. I had heard of a divining rod that was used to locate water during the years of the Great Dust Bowl. But I had no idea that dowsing could be used to create a communication channel directly with Spirit and Guidance (your high-self committee).

Dowsing has been used by people for about as long as there have been people on this beautiful planet. Early cave drawings and historical notations have taught us that humans have longed for and sought answers to questions about their lives and their purpose for being here. Certainly during the Middle Ages people were punished for dowsing and thought to be practicing witch craft or agents of the devil.

SRT is comprised of dowsing with a pendulum using a series of charts that were created by the Rev. Robert Detzler, and it has provided a way to communicate directly with Spirit and our higher power. It is not the only way, to be sure. People have sought guidance from Spirit through prayer, consultations with respected clergy, meditation, and a myriad of ways over time. But in order to use the SRT system, it is all about those amazing charts and the ability to dowse with a pendulum.

So how do you learn to dowse if this is new to you? In the future, we’ll offer training on how to dowse but for now, the first step is to obtain a pendulum. You can make one, you can buy one through Amazon, or you can select one from this website – but the pendulum is the essential ingredient. Pendulums come in a variety of lengths. For SRT work that involves not only obtaining yes and no answers, but the ability to clear programs and blocks that may be hindering your progress on your journey, a pendulum should be approximately 4-5 inches in length. This will enable the circular motion that is required to ask Guidance to clear negative blocks or programs.

To begin, grab the pendulum and become comfortable with it in your hand. In SRT work, a yes answer is designated by a vertical swing of the pendulum while a no answer is reflected by a horizontal swing of the pendulum. To do clearing work with the pendulum, you would simply swing the pendulum in a circular motion while asking Spirit and Guidance to clear a program or blocking energy for you.

There are a series of steps that will be taken for deeper work with the pendulum and that involve a formal Prep To Work process to ensure that you are communicating directly with Spirit and Guidance, and that there are no blocks to the work you are about to do. But for now, you might ask if you are communicating with Spirit and Guidance, and when you receive a yes swing of the pendulum, feel free to ask them a question.

For me, I knew I was talking directly with my Guidance from the moment I first used the pendulum. But becoming confident in the answers you are receiving might take a bit of time. It did for me. You can always validate your answer by asking Spirit to confirm the answer you just received. The ability to dowse and receive direct communication from Spirit and Guidance that can be validated is extremely powerful – so powerful, in fact, that sometimes it takes using the pendulum for a while before you can establish the confidence. But this is all part of the process and each person will come to this in exactly the right time – divine order, as we like to refer to it.

Lastly, have some fun with your dowsing. I have asked Spirit and Guidance some really silly things – like whether a mouse that I was frightened of was still inside my house. Or whether some eggs in my refrigerator that didn’t have a freshness date were still good to use. But I have also asked Spirit and Guidance some extremely powerful questions about my time during this journey and how to achieve clarity for what I need to accomplish. Once you have become proficient at dowsing and trusting your answers, there really isn’t anything you can’t ask. Happy dowsing!



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