Prep to Work
Friends, continuing the discussion of dowsing that we began last week, we’re often asked by others who have tried to dowse and have felt that they are either not getting correct answers or they do not have confidence in the answers they are receiving: what am I doing wrong?
You are not doing anything wrong. You have set your intention and are approaching the art of dowsing from a place of seeking your absolute truth and working with Spirit and your Guidance as part of a divine partnership. However, and this is the one caveat you will need, it is an essential part of the process to be sure that you have prepped to work prior to dowsing and that you have a clear and direct channel with Spirit and Guidance, ensuring that no blocks or past programs are hindering you from obtaining your answers.
Prep to work involves a simple process that will clear the way for you to receive accurate responses. We can teach you how to do this at Transcendence Energies, but if you would like to try it yourself, here is what it entails:
Using your pendulum and creating a circular movement, announce your intention (either out loud or in your thoughts) that you are ready to Prep to Work. In SRT, this will create a path forward with Spirit and your High Self Committee, and let them know that you are carving out a time to work with them.
Ask whether your current relationship with Spirit is 100% positive and 0% negative and determine either a yes or no response with your pendulum. If yes, move on to Step 3. Otherwise, ask Spirit and your High Self Committee to clear any blocks or programs. Move your pendulum in a circular clearing motion while they are doing the work on your behalf, and when your pendulum moves to a yes or affirmative indication, you are ready to move on to Step 3.
Ask whether your current relationship with your High Self Committee is 100% positive and 0% negative and determine either a yes or no response with your pendulum. If yes, move on to Step 4. Otherwise, ask Spirit and your High Self Committee to clear any blocks or programs. Move your pendulum in a circular clearing motion while they are doing the work on your behalf, and when your pendulum moves to a yes or affirmative indication, you are ready to move on to Step 4.
Ask whether your current relationship with your Soul is 100% positive and 0% negative and determine either a yes or no response with your pendulum. If yes, move on to Step 5. Otherwise, ask Spirit and your High Self Committee to clear any blocks or programs. Move your pendulum in a circular clearing motion while they are doing the work on your behalf, and when your pendulum moves to a yes or affirmative indication, you are ready to move on to Step 5.
Ask whether you currently have any openings in your Field. More on this in greater detail later, but for now just know that as spiritual beings, we are surrounded by a series of layers that create our Field. Holes or openings in our Field can have a detrimental effect on our ability to receive accurate guidance and maintain a clear channel with Spirit and our High Self Committee. If you receive a negative response with your pendulum, you are ready to move on to Step 6. If you receive a positive response, ask Spirit and your Guidance to repair any openings in your Field. Again, be sure you are using the clearing motion with your pendulum so that you will know when the repair is complete. Then, you can move on to Step 6.
Ask whether you currently have any additional beings. As with the holes or openings to your Field, we will provide you with more information on how this occurs, and why, later on. But for now, you will want to be sure that you do not have any other folks who have been drawn to you at this point. Again, the presence of additional souls or beings (while they mean you no harm) can impede your ability to get accurate answers and have a clear channel, which is what you need when you are seeking guidance from Spirit and your High Self Committee.If you receive a negative response with your pendulum, you are ready to move on to Step 7. If you receive a positive response, ask Spirit and your Guidance to send these additional beings on their way. Again, be sure you are using the clearing motion with your pendulum so that you will know when the work is complete. Then, you can move on to Step 7.
Ask whether you are carrying anyone else’s energy besides your own. Again, you do not to have anyone else’s energy attached to you, or you may not get accurate answers and have a clear channel.If you receive a negative response with your pendulum, you are ready to move on to Step 8. If you receive a positive response, ask Spirit and your Guidance to clear these additional energies. Use the clearing motion with your pendulum so that you will know when the work is complete. Then, you can move on to Step 8.
Ask Spirit and your High Self Committee to download any and all new information, including new SRT information, so that your Guidance has the latest information at the ready. When you obtain a positive response from your pendulum, move onto Step 9.
Lastly, ask for Mop Up. Mop Up is understood by Spirit and your High Self Committee as anything else that needs to be done, which you may not have asked to be done, prior to beginning your dowsing work. Use a circular clearing motion with your pendulum, and when it goes to a yes response, Prep To Work is complete.
That’s it. Nine simple steps to ensure that you have a clear conduit with Spirit and your Guidance, and that there are no programs, blocks, openings, or other factors that would hinder your ability to get correct answers. More importantly, once you have done Prep To Work, you will innately know that the answers you are receiving are accurate and represent your truth.
I promise you that incorporating these steps to your work prior to dowsing will become routine to you after several times of doing so, and you will be able to run through these steps in no time at all. And, if you’d like to understand more about what is happening when you Prep To Work, we’ll be presenting greater detail in upcoming blog posts.
Blessings Be!